Friday, July 16, 2010

West Central Bass League - Lake Johanna

Yesterday was the 2nd stop at Lake Johanna for the West Central Bass League. Earlier in the year a 3 fish bag weighing nearly 13 lbs was weighed in but on this night nothing came close to that. There were some very nice bags brought in though. Unfortunately my dad and I were not one of them as we ended up with only 2 fish for 5.77 lbs. That was good for 7th place out of the 14 teams competing. Here are the rest of the results.

1st - Ron & Joe 9.86 lbs
2nd - John & Jacob 9.77 lbs
3rd - Tim & Grant 9.76 lbs
4th - Jim & John 9.65 lbs

Big Bass - John & Jacob 4.15 lbs

There really isn't much to say about our fishing for the night since we didn't catch much at all. We spent most of our time for the night in one small area of reeds that we knew was holding at least a few fish. I missed a couple of bites but never got a hook in either fish and my dad had 2 fish on that he lost so we did have our chances at getting a 3 fish limit but it just didn't happen for us. The 2 fish that we did weigh both came on a black/blue homemade punch skirt rig.

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