Friday, July 2, 2010

West Central Bass League - Nest Lake

We had 15 boats competing last night on Nest Lake for the West Central Bass League. Once again we had strong winds that hampered the fishing for some but for others the fish really turned on and some really big bags were brought to the scales.

1st Ron & Joe 11.91 lbs
2nd Brad & Wayne 11.25 lbs
3rd Andy & Mike 11.17 lbs
4th Paul & Troy 9.38 lbs

Big Bass - Dean & JD 4.77 lbs

For a 3 fish limit you can see that the weights this evening were very strong. Most of the top teams reported catching a lot of nice fish as well. My dad and I were not one of those teams though. I think we only ended up boating 7 fish for the evening but 6 of them were 3 lbs or better and I'll take quality over quantity any day!

Our evening started on another down note as I lost a smallie over 3 lbs in the first 5 minutes of fishing. I won't blame that one on my injury though since I was feeling much better. I had it on a drop shot with a small light wire hook so usually those things stick and fish don't get off but this one just jumped and came off for some reason. That seems to be how my year is going so far. The rest of the night was just a grind as we rotated through our usual areas with very little success. As I said though when we did get a bite it ended up being a good one. Towards the end of the night we had a little flurry and I put a largemouth close to 4 1/2 lbs in the boat on a KVD tube. At this point I knew we had close to 11 lbs so despite the tough night I felt we had a good shot at the win. It wasn't meant to be though as not 1 but 2 teams brought bigger bags to the scales. Man these guys are tough out here!

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