Friday, June 27, 2008

Kandi Lakes Bass League - Lake Johanna

We started the Thursday standings league with 9 teams but unfortunately a team had to drop out so we will be at 8 teams the rest of the year. That means we will change from paying 3 places to paying only 2 spots each Thursday night. That wasn't good for my dad and I last night since we finished in 3rd place with 9.76 lbs. 1st place had a little over 13 lbs for their 3 fish and 2nd had 10.76 lbs. The big fish for the night was 4.67 lbs which is also the big bass for the year so far. As far as the standings points go after 3 nights the leaders have 25 points and my dad and I are in 2nd with 23 points.

The fishing was pretty good last night especially compared to Wednesday night. We caught probably 30 or more bass but most were in the 2 1/2 lb range. We only managed to catch 3 fish over 3 lbs and thats what we weighed in. As far as the fishing it's no secret. Theres pretty much one thing to fish on Johanna and thats reeds. One key for us last night though was to fish little pockets inside the reed beds instead of just the outside edge. All of our weigh fish came from back inside the reeds like that. We used watermelon Strike King Craw Tubes and black/blue Picasso jigs for all our fish.

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